
What is aromatherapy?
Does Aromatherapy Really Work?

What is aromatherapy massage?

What are essential oils
Essential oils were well known in antiquity, 3000 years BC. Already then, their anti-microbial (embalming mummy), therapeutic, analgesic, relaxing and antiseptic (epidemics, plagues, ) were used.
Modern knowledge indicates that many successes of past and present quacks or sorcerers can be fully understood and justified on the basis of knowledge of the properties of essential oils, whose features and ingredients are known only today.
The creator of the term aromatherapy was the French Chemist Gatefosse, who researched essential oils as potential cosmetics ingredients and then during World War I used effectiveness to disinfecting and wound healing properties. That is how the huge development of modern aromatherapy in France and later around the world began.
Benefits of Aromatherapy
Skin to breathe easier, improves the excretory function of the sebaceous glands and sweat glands, increases blood circulation and lymph vessels of the skin, tones and gives the colour the skin, increases the ability of muscles to work, increases flexibility and strength of tendons facilitates the outflow of venous blood, and the effects the peripheral centers nervous system.
It should always be remembered that aromatherapy cannot replace natural medicine in its classic treatment of diseases. It is primarily a preventive, supportive, complementary method, a way to maintain good mental and physical condition, alleviate daily ailments and make life more enjoyable.
Firstly, try to find professional, registered aromatherapist in your area , create some time for wellbeing, to reduce stress, care ofyour body and mind.

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