Winter Depression

Massage Therapy for depression
Now a days, each of us is struggling with everyday problems. Hard work and the pursuit of a better life mean that we do not find time for pleasure. When shorter, colder days come, the lack of motivation we’ve got, that comes down to depression.
The latest research shows that one of the effective methods to fight against depression is therapeutic massages.
Massages help to reduce tension, stress as well as to treat depression and other mental disorders. Problems with depression intensify in autumn and winter, which is confirmed by research, unfortunately, the fight against it is hard. Lack of sun causes the loss of vitamin D which we can provide additional help of dietary supplements, a proper diet. An effective method is practising sports, find more time to yourself, socializing, using the services of a professional massage therapist. In this case, I very often recommend my client’s hot stones therapy which is related to the theory of energy flow, the so-called chakras. Chakras are energy centres located in the etheric body. The stones are arranged along the meridian, channels connecting the points. Combining relaxation techniques with healing properties will help to gain energy, better frame of mind, and harmony.
Hot stone massage
My regular customers during the autumn and winter season often choose hot stone massage which is their ideal option for this time of year.